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I.Translate the following words and phases:(2’*5=10’) 1.清洁已装船提单 2. 保险 3. 装船通知 4. 中间商 5. 零售价 II. Choose the best answer:(1’*10=10’) 1. For the time being, we cannot commit ______ to any fresh orders. A. us B. our C. oneself D. ourselves 2. We can deliver 50 tons from stock and the ______ in May. A. other B. another C. rest D. best 3. Insurance ______ will be added to invoice amount together with the freight charges. A. policies B. premiums C. money D. changes 4. You are ______ to draw on us at 60 days against this credit for the amount of your invoice upon shipment of the consignment to the consignee. A. right B. authorized C. powerful D. able 5. With computer users linked to the Internet growing ______ every year, business is trying to cash in on the world-wide network. A. at million B. with a million C. with one million D. by millions 6. More and more US banks are finding branches ______ profitable due to high overheads. A. no longer B. not longer C. any longer D. no any longer 7. Mr. Bill Browning, your Import Manager wrote us last week that our price was _______ and asked us to secure supplies the earliest possible. A. impossible B. managerial C. acceptable D. unfortunate 8. Your statement has been checked and found correct and we have instructed our Bank to make remittance________. A. according B. accordingly C. according to D. as according 9. We ________ received the letter of credit when your letter arrived. A. have already B. have all ready C. had already D. had all ready 10. The goods have all been dispatched and the shipping documents for the _____ are with us. A. arrangement B. consignment C. amendment 来源:考试大网 D. requirement III. Fill in the blanks:(1’*10=10’) Our prices are quoted _____ US$. Please quote us your lowest price on CIF Lagos basis for 500 pieces __ 24-inch electric fans as soon as possible. Recently there has been a jump _____ price. We can offer you the following _____ less than cost. All prices are subject _____ a 10 per cent discount. We would give you a special discount of 5% but only _____ items ordered in quantities of 1000 or more. We must stress that this departure relates _____ this only. In reply to your inquiry dated June 10, we are sending you patterns of our newly finished printed poplin, and have pleasure_____ quoting you as follows. This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city. The glasses should be packed in cartons lined ___ plastic foams. IV. Complete the following letters with the given choices:(2’*10=20’) A Dear Miss Siegel, We acknowledge receipt of your letter of 1 Feb. After going through the letter, __1__. The relative clause reads as follows: __2__. In order to avoid possible future trouble, __3__: __4__. On the outer packing please make our initials HRS in a triangle, as well as the port of destination and the carton number below. In addition, __5__. We look forward to receiving your shipping advice and thank you in advance. Yours truly, A. The captioned product should be packed in international standard tea cartons, 24 cartons on a pallet, 10 pallets in a FCL container B. we find the packing clause in it is not clear enough C. Packing: Seaworthy export packing, suitable for long distance ocean transportation D. here we would like to make clear our packing requirement again as follows来源:考试大 E. warning marks like KEEP DRY, USE NO HOOKS, etc. should also be indicated B Dear Mr. Siegel, We have completed our inquiries concerning the firm mentioned in your letter of 16th September and regret that __6__. __7__ though payment was recovered in full. __Our inquiries reveal nothing to suggest that the firm be not straightforward. It seems to us that __8__. Consequently, __9__ . __10__. Yours faithfully, A. This information is of course supplied in the strictest confidence B. About a year ago an action was brought against the firm by one of its suppliers for recovery of the sums due C. the firm’s difficulties were due to bad management and, in particular, overtrading D. we must advise you to regard their request for credit with caution E. most of the firm’s suppliers either give only very short credit for limited sums or make deliveries on a cash basis V. Translate the following into Chinese:(3’*5=15’) 1. As the case is in good condition and does not appear to have been tampered with, we surmise that you must have short-shipped. 2. We claim US$ 2050 for short shipment on the 50 tons peanuts ex s.s. “Daqing”. 3. We hope you will make some improvements in packing because attractive packing help us to promote sales. 4. The validity of the L/C will be extended to 30th August. 5. Please cover insurance on this shipment against W.P.A. for amount of USD 25,000 with the PICC. VI. Translate the following into English:(3’*5=15’) 1. 八月份以前必须装船,否则我们就赶不上销售季节了。 2. 你方的报价比我们能接受的价格高出15%。 3. 此信用证7月15日到期。 4. 降价是有限度的,我们不能再降价了。 5. 在质量方面,其它牌子的商品很难和我们的相比。 VII. Write an English letter with the information given below:(20’) CN-5916好合同规定7月15日前装运。目前货物已备好,但仍未收到对方信用证。 提醒对方交货时间临近,要求对方立即开出以机房为受益人金额为40600美元的不可撤销即期信用证 I.Translate the following words and phases:(2’*5=10’) 1. clean shipped B/L 2. insurance 3. shipping advice 4. middleman 5. retail price II. Choose the best answer:(1’*10=10’) 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.B III. Fill in the blanks:(1’*10=10’) 1.in 2. of 3.in 4.at 5.to 6.on 7.to 8.in 9.at 10. with IV. Complete the following letters with the given choices:(2’*10=20’) 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.E 6.D 7.B 8.C 9. E 10.A V. Translate the following into Chinese:(3’*5=15’) 1. 由于包装外型良好,且无动过的迹象,因此,我们认为你们一定是少装了。 2. 由“大庆”轮运来的50吨花生,由于短运,我方提出索赔2050美元。 3. 我们希望在包装上能有所改进。精美的包装便于我们推销。 4. 信用证的有效期将延至8月30日。 5. 请向中国人民保险公司为这批货物投保金额为25,000美元的水渍险。 VI. Translate the following into English:(3’*5=15’) The goods must be shipped on board before August, or we will not catch the selling season. Your offer is 15% higher than the price we can accept. 3. This credit expires on July 15. 4. There are limits to price reduction; we really can’t make any further reduction. 5. In terms of quality, other makes can hardly match ours. VII. Write an English letter with the information given below:(20’) Dear Sirs, Referring to our S/C -5916, we wish to point out that the shipment is stipulated before July15. The goods under our S/C have been ready for quite some time. But we still haven’t received your relevant L/C. Please pay attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching. We hereby request you to open an irrevocable sight Letter of Credit for the amount of $40600 in our favor, with which we can effect shipment according to the original schedule. Please give this matter your immediate attention. Yours faithfully,



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更新时间2023-01-09 22:28:33【至顶部↑】
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